Dear fellow gardeners,
It was with a heavy heart after 27 years I closed the nursery in the Spring of 2024. I will always treasure the moments I’ve had in the nursery discussing with gardeners a plant, garden situation or life in general. I will always have great memories of the support they gave me in planting my plants and coming back with stories of their vigor and hardiness. I really do enjoy the wonder of propagating and growing plants and will continue on a personal level in the farm’s flower and vegetable gardens.
On to the future.
I have rented the nursery to two separate very talented and knowledgeable plantsmen. They both have very successful gardening services and will use the nursery to stage and grow material for their own use.
The gardening service has been scaled back considerably. Where we once cared for 6 gardens weekly and up to 10 gardens on an as needed basis, I now only have 3 weekly gardens and only as many gardens I can fit in on an as needed basis.
A bright side to all of this is I will now again have a vegetable garden which I have not had for way too long and more Contra dancing every weekend.
Happy Gardening,
Thomas Mitchel Scott ‘Tom’