When it comes to hostas, gardeners usually grow them for their attractive blue, gold, chartreuse or variegated leaves, not their flowers. But, did you know that some hostas have wonderfully fragrant flowers?
In the nursery now we have several varieties of fragrant hostas including ‘Fragrant Bouquet’ whose name says it all and perhaps the most fragrant of them all: Hosta plantaginea, also known as Plantain Lily.
Complete list of fragrant hostas we grow and sell in our nursery:
- Hosta ‘Fragrant Bouquet’—light-green foliage with creamy margins and near-white flowers
- Hosta ‘Guacomole’*—chartreuse foliage with wide green edges and white flowers
- Hosta ‘Plantaginea’—medium, green, heart-shaped leaves with white flowers
- Hosta ‘Stained Glass’*—medium, golden foliage with dark-green margin